Sharing Some Thoughts

As we come closer to the end of isolation, take some time to decide what you want your new normal to look like.

I don’t know about you, but lately I have been experiencing more intense emotions. When I am in the middle of something challenging, I keep my head down and am focused on powering through. When I get close to the end of a challenging period, that is when the sadness and anxiety can pour in. That’s what has been going on for me recently. This week I was expressing this to a new friend and mentor, and she helped me understand that I have something valuable to contribute and this is just a new beginning in my life. It is amazing to me that just a few encouraging words from someone I respect can clear the darkness in my outlook and allow the lighter mood to pour in, and in that moment I had a new perspective. Thank you, Jennifer Thompson. You reminded me how important having other people in our lives is.

Almost There

Coming closer to the end of this time of isolation

As we come closer to the end of this time of isolation, it has occurred to me we all have experienced so much change. Some of it has been heartbreaking, and it seems inconceivable that we can experience a global pandemic and so much turmoil in this year and a half. Michael Beckwith says difficult times serve to bring up those things that need to be healed. At first facing these revelations is uncomfortable, even painful, but as we allow ourselves to process through and come up with solutions together, we can come out of this time better, happier, stronger and clearer on what we want for ourselves and those we love.

Practicing Gratitude

We can practice gratitude for the gifts that we have received, like more time with family and a slower pace of life. Because of fewer people driving or flying, we have less pollution which has enabled the environment to recover. I know we are all looking forward to these restrictions being lifted and life going back to “normal” but during this time of transition take a moment and decide what you want your new normal to look like. And remember “It’s always darkest before the dawn.” Wishing you much peace and happiness on your path to Finding Your Meaning In life.

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