My Last Compass Point: Alchemy

“In a malleable world where everything from atoms to cells is changing to match our beliefs, we’re limited only by the way we think of ourselves in that world.” Gregg Braden

 â€śSpiritual Alchemy is the art of transformation, inner liberation, and change….. Existing in a state of enlightenment, or soulful awareness is the ultimate state of transformation – the gold – of spiritual alchemy.”  I love this definition of spiritual alchemy which comes from a website with an awesome name!

For me, alchemy is also about creating how I want my life to be and what experiences I want to have. Throughout most of my 20s, I did what everyone told me to do. After graduating from college, I got a “sensible job” in an office. This meant working 9 to 5 at a company with benefits. There is nothing wrong with that, and I tried my best to do the job well. At first, it was fine, but as the newness wore off, the monotony set in and I became increasingly unhappy. After a couple of years there, I moved on and had a string of office jobs of varying kinds and was miserable at each one. I thought there was something wrong with me because there were people around me, on each of those jobs, that were happy. I had no vision for my life and was allowing others to create my life for me.

This is where alchemy comes in. As I got clear on what I wanted in my life and realized the person I wanted to be, through lots of exploration with podcasts, books, and online classes it gave me a direction to focus on and informed the actions that I take. After all, how can you get where you are going if you don’t have a clear direction? I joined groups of like-minded, supportive people. These people are especially important because sharing your goals with others helps to make your intentions more real. Also, by helping others with their dreams, we are creating the world we want to live in.

The most profound transformation for me has been by working on my inner world through studying meditation and learning about various kinds of energy work. I grew up believing that we had no control over our own lives. I lived mostly in reaction, not creation. What you see around you, at this moment, is not something that has happened at random or because of someone else. As Michael Beckwith says, “Your life is an inside job.”  It begins with your thoughts and being energetically aligned with your intentions and desires.

“Collapse space and time into a new reality. Your thoughts literally affect matter. In other words, your thoughts matter.” –Dr. Joe Dispenza 

 There were many things I wanted to experience in my life, but somehow I just couldn’t reach those goals. It turns out that while I desired those things, part of me didn’t believe that I could have them. Most of us have experienced this simply by going on social media, like Facebook or Instagram, and seeing that someone we know has traveled somewhere we have always wanted to go or received something we have wanted. Being aware that I still didn’t have what I wanted and seeing that others did and feeling the discomfort of that was creating energetic resistance for me. It felt like I was pushing an enormous boulder up a hill, and when I got close to the top, it rolled back down.

 I have a friend that always wins a prize when she signs up for drawings. I came to realize that is because she doesn’t have any resistance to winning. She doesn’t actually care if she wins or not. By contrast, I have heard some of my other friends say, as they purchased a ticket for a drawing, “I probably won’t win.” I am sure they said this so they wouldn’t be disappointed if they didn’t get anything, but that is a form of energetic resistance. When you say something like that you are already proclaiming that you don’t want to win and are feeling the loss of it before the prizes are even given out. One of the first experiments that really made this clear to me was from Abraham Hicks. Try it for yourself:

Try this: Imagine a feather

Imagine a feather. You can even draw it if you wish. Design it any way you like. The feather can be any size, color or pattern. Picture it clearly in your mind. Make it unique so that when you receive it, you will have no doubt that you drew it to you.  Ask the Universe to bring you this specific feather. Then release the thought. I did this experiment and was very surprised when the feather I had created in my mind appeared on a movie screen less than a week later. I nearly choked on my popcorn. The reason I could receive this feather is that I had no resistance to it. It didn’t matter to me if I saw it or not. I had even forgotten about the experiment until it was hovering on the screen at the movie theater, larger than life.

I know this sounds crazy, but what this proved to me is that life can be much more magical than I had been experiencing. And I had the ability to create what I wanted. 

Getting into your own operating system

Creating your future self is a process by which you interrupt your routine of getting up every day and doing and thinking the same things.  In this habitual state, your brain will only function on autopilot, and nothing will change. Break that cycle by changing those habits. Start by asking yourself an open-ended question such as “What would it be like to travel to a new place?” This engages your frontal lobe and causes your brain to create something new. When you do this enough times and follow the ideas or impulses you receive, you are literally creating a new mind and a new self, which can change how you think, how you act, and how you feel.

Meditation is part of the Alchemy of creation

When you begin this process, your mind will try to resist. You may feel uncomfortable because you are doing something that is unfamiliar. In meditation, you surrender the practiced idea of who you believe yourself to be. Joe Dispenza explains that when you surrender your habitual thoughts and beliefs and you “become no body, no thing, are no where and are in no time.” which means you can move beyond your old self. It allows you to reprogram your brain and body so that you can become that new self that is healthier and more creative, so that you can live the life you desire.

What would you like to create in your life? Have you tried meditation before? If you are interested in Joe Dispenza meditations, you can find many on or check out the ones he has on YouTube. Here is one of my favorites: Joe Dispenza 30 Minute Guided Meditation for Positive Energy.

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